14.03 - 15.05.2021
Noé Sendas (b. 1972, Brussels), lives and works in Berlin, Madrid and Lisboa. Sendas began presenting his work in the late Nineties. Explicit and implicit references to artists and literary, cinematic or musical creations are part of his raw materials. Specific concerns about the reflection and practise of visual arts can also be added to his repertoire. These include: the body, as an entity that is simultaneously theoretical and material; the observer’s perception mechanisms; or the discursive potential of exhibition methods.
His notable Crystal Girls deconstructs film stills from Hollywood golden age, eliminating faces, limbs and settings, creating enigmatic sophisticated still lives.
His works are represented in renowned collections such as Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Collection, Lisboa, P; EDP Foundation Collection, Lisbon, P; Contretype Centre d`Art Contemporain pour la Photographie Collection, Brussels, B; CAV Foundation Collection, Coimbra, Caixa Geral de Depósitos Art Collection, P: Ar.Co (Centro de Arte e Comunicacao) Collection, Lisbon, P; Instituto das Artes Collection, P; MEIAC Museum Collection, Badajoz, S; MAR – Museu de Arte do Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Susanne von Meiss Collection, Sw; Raquel Ponce Art Collection, Madrid, S; Charlotte Olympia, London, UK; BESart – Banco Espírito Santo – NOVO BANCO Collection, Lisbon, P; Cristina Guerra Art Collection, Lisbon, P; DGARTES Instituto das Artes Collection, P; Still Art Collection, Moscow; Eulogio Sánchez Art Collection, Cantabria, S; José Carlos Santana Pinto Collection, P; PMLJ Foundation Collection, P; Fernando José Ribeiro Collection, P; Bildhalle Collection, Sw; Lisboa Art Collection, Lisboa; Galila Brazilai Hollander collection, Brussels; Antonio Cachola Collection, Elvas, P; Ettore Molinario Collection, Milan; Marianna Sardarova Collection, Moscow; John Bock, Julian Rosenfeldt, Juliao Sarmento, Santiago Ydanez, artists collections.
Casa Velasquez, Madrid
Cité des Arts, Paris
Kunstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin
School of art, Institute of Chicago, Chicago
Royal College of Fine Arts, London
AR.CO – center for Fine Arts, Lisboa
1987 Antonio Arroio / At.Re, Lisboa
Holland Park School, London